Joe Anstine is the Co-Founder & CEO of PriorAuthNow, a company dedicated to changing the fragmented and broken process of prior authorizations in the personal healthcare space (and single-handedly putting the fax machine industry out of business). With no previous experience or background in healthcare, Joe has grown himself into an expert in the field of prior authorizations in the personal healthcare space by listening to his customers, being a sponge for information, and constantly adapting his product to fit his customers’ needs. Above all else, what’s really special about Joe is that he’s not in it for the money or the glory, he simply loves the process, and he wants to build a company and culture that people want to be a part of and that’s delivering products people couldn’t imagine their lives without.
Mile Markers:
00:00:00 Intro to Joe Anstine
00:00:35 Subscribe!
00:00:52 AWH
00:01:21 The SunDown Group
00:01:42 Facilities Management eXpress (FMX)
00:02:12 Want to sponsor Conquering Columbus?
00:02:27 Survey!
00:02:35 Conquering Columbus
00:03:40 Background on Joe Anstine
00:04:30 A typical day in the life with PriorAuthNow, ruthlessly prioritize
00:07:40 We’re standing up on our own two-feet and trying to take our first step
00:09:55 Where it all started, which actually had nothing to do with prior authorizations…
00:14:00 The initial product that we created and thought we’d build the business around
00:17:20 Once we discovered that prior authorizations were the real problem that we needed to solve
00:19:20 We weren’t an “innovation-company” we were an “iteration-company”
00:20:00 Microsoft Paint
00:21:20 PriorAuthNow and CoverMyMeds, the focus is the difference
00:24:30 What is prior authorization? and what’s the problem?
00:26:30 We consider ourselves “Switzerland”, we sit neutrally between providers and payers
00:27:00 This is how the process was, and this is why it was broken
00:32:20 Joe’s previous company, B.I. Voyage, a data analytics company
00:34:00 How did you become an expert in solving the problem, with no background in healthcare? I was a sponge, and I’ve become a phenomenal listener!
00:38:30 Did you ever think you weren’t going to make it, or maybe you were chasing a pipe-dream?
00:39:30 I wanted to build a company and a culture where people loved being there, they loved being around each other, and outsiders looking-in wanted to be a part of it
00:42:00 Focus on the process, and enjoy the ride, that’s what it’s all about
00:44:45 Live Uncomfortably – If someone asks me to do something, and my initial reaction is “I don’t want to do that”, I make myself do it
00:47:00 Closing Remarks
00:47:10 Did you like the episode? Share the episode & subscribe!
00:47:40 AWH
00:48:07 The SunDown Group
00:48:27 Facilities Management eXpress (FMX)
00:48:58 Do you want to sponsor Conquering Columbus?
00:49:10 Survey!
00:49:20 Conquering Columbus Outro Music